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Gruffalo, Treason and Plot

child in a dinosaur costume

Me and Theo have had an eventful few days. Daddy's been working and so in-between editing and naps we've been hanging out, just me and him. On friday we headed over to Delamere forest where we met a few photographer mates and their assorted children and dogs for a hot choc in the cafe. Due to a previously booked bikini wax (last one before hibernation) we missed the Gruffalo trail but when everyone had gone and I was feeling empowered by the fresh autumn air me and my little companion decided to go it alone, unworn halloween costume in one hand, wellies and jumper in the other.

Well it felt like bloody miles but we finally made it to the Gruffalo and my was he magnificent (is the Gruffalo a he?!). I made a mental note to text Claire so we could bring Fin and Theo on a Happy Weaner trip and then we set back off into the forest in search of dens. We weren't disappointed.

little boy runs through the forrest

child in skeleton Doc Martins and a T-Rex suit

the Gruffalo Delamere forrest

dens in the woods

little boy in the woods

building a den

little boy in red wellies on a forrest trail

looking for bugs, red wellies

Of course, his costume was never going to be anything other than a T-rex skeleton. That was a given.

The weather was a different story today and it being saturday and almost bonfire night we could hear the popping and shrieking of the fireworks outside our window. "What's that noise mummy?" featured heavily but I managed to distract him with painting until it was time to hop in the bath to wash off the... brown? paint he had accumulated. After donning his Peppa Pig dressing gown swiftly followed by his Mr Dinosaur sleepsuit we climbed up to perch on the window sill and watch the "stars" as they popped and fizzed across the sky. Although Theo's first fireworks were watched from the ledge behind the curtain they were still special and although I find fireworks monumentally boring i'm quite excited to take him one day to a proper display. Over and out.

pinting on the table

get the paints out

little boy in his peppa pig dressing gown

watching the fireworks at the window on bonfire night

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